TRM School Board Subcommittees


Subcommittee membership is open to all persons that have an interest in supporting the school mission and vision.  Membership in a committee can be limited to a project or ongoing basis. Membership is approved by the Board of Directors. 

The Budget and Finance Committee shall be responsible for presenting an annual budget to the Board of Directors, making recommendations to the Board of Directors on long-range financial and facilities planning, monitoring contracts for bookkeeping services, ensuring compliance with state financial procedures, and such other duties as are deemed appropriate and necessary by the Board of Directors. The Budget and Finance Committee shall be chaired by the Treasurer.

Apply for the School Board or Subcommittees

To apply for the position of Board Member at Large or to join a subcommittee, complete an application and email it to the board chair.

Follow this link to the application: 



Second Wednesday Monthly | 4:00 pm | Location Virtual

 Join Zoom Meeting

 Meeting ID: 845 4637 7425
Passcode: j1HNjx
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Agenda and Past Meeting Minutes/Notes